Tips to Keep Your Terrarium Looking Nice


These plants require bright, but indirect light. Never put in direct sunlight or outside. The glass will cook the plants.


Pour water directly into soil to make the soil very moist (around half a cup): typically once every 7-14 days depending on season and climate (more in hot or dry weather, less in cold). Keep soil moist between watering, but not soaking wet. Don’t let open terrariums dry out completely. Check for water in rocks bottom of terrarium, 1cm is adequate.


Many plants in a terrarium will gradually outgrow their limited space. A little trimming often promotes side shoots that fill out plants. Be sure to remove all dead vegetation from the terrarium. You should also trim tips if they start to touch the glass.

Remove any plants that begin to rot. Rot is often associated with too much moisture.


Periodically, the glass will need to be cleaned with a damp cloth to remove build up on glass.


Brown Leaf: Often indicates dehydration or too much sun.

Yellowing or Dropping Leaves: Your terrarium is getting too much water.

Extreme Reaching of Plant: The terrarium needs more light.



